Co-opertaive Housing Societies in Bangalore

Good News expected for Co-operative Housing Societies in Bangalore

Recent statement from state co-operation minister H S Mahadeva Prasad

“Government is working out on a solution for execution and delivery of sites to housing society members.”

Government should consider following factors while doing any amendments in the existing co operative housing society act.
1 Change of usage of land should be done on a single window scheme by appointing a separate agency. This would cut down time spent in processing all documents among various departments.
2 Large parcel of land should be permitted for change of   usage of land
3 Percentage of Associate membership should be increased in order to facilitate outsiders with state domicile to buy plots from these housing societies.
4 Plot should be allotted and registered within one year from the date of payment of all installments. Otherwise interest should be paid on the total amount for delayed
5 Developer should register all plots in the name of society. Last minute tussle between Developer and Society should be avoided.
6 Society should not charge additional amount on the basic land cost as mentioned to its members.
7 Society should publish its progress report on acquisition of land and development activities on periodic basis to its members.
8 Members Investment should be safeguarded in proportion of land acquired by the society.
9 There should be transparency on the percentage of money spent from the members installments made to society.Money collected should not be diverted to other projects of
the society.

State Government should mitigate on these problems, site seekers should get sites on time. Co-operative Housing Societies in Bangalore can be a model to other housing societies in the country?.

By Vidyadhar Naik- Local Space. M: 00000000000